Add to circles widget for Google+ |
Obviously, you should have a google+ account to help you do this. And if by chance, you do not have one already, head on to to grab one for yourself. To get to the tool for creating this widge, click here.
Once there you would need to log in to your Google+ account and click on your profile tab. You need to copy out your profile ID which can be found in the URL of your profile in the browser address bar. Just copy out the numbers after the part of the URL. In the
You will need to add the numbers you copied from your Google+ profile in the widget creator. Adjust the colour of the widget including borders and background to suit the theme colour of your website. (If you want them to be transparent, just type * in the boxes.
The rest of the settings are quite intuitive. When you are done copy the code by clicking Get Code button and paste the code in a HTML/Javascript “Add a Gadget” in your blogger Layout.
I hope this helps. Leave a comment below if you have any questions. Do sign up for our mail newsletter to get the latest posts in our mail box. Also follow us on twitter and facebook to get updates.